Kel's Story - Life Bursts Episode 14


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Let's speak up about sexual abuse!

Kelly Humphries or as she likes to be known as Kel is the author of the book 'Unscathed Beauty', a memoir of her life.

In this episode of Life Bursts, we learn about her story as a sexual abuse survivor and her advice for all in dealing with trauma.

To get a copy of the book 'Unscathed Beauty' you can find it at the link below. 

If you need mental health support, in Australia you can call:
LifeLine - 13 11 14
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636

For specialist health care services always contact your General Practitioner or local health service.

If you need domestic violence support services, in Australia you can call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

Call 000 or your local emergency hotline if you are in immediate danger.

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