Let's wear pink shirts, grab a boat and go fishing! - Life Bursts Episode 44

Let's wear pink shirts, grab a boat and go fishing! - Life Bursts Episode 44

LIfe Bursts
LIfe Bursts Life Bursts

Seriously! Where's the boat? 🙄 

Fay Carruthers has an attitude to life that many would agree with. "Can, so, do" has been the mindset she has approached her life with and encourages others to view life the same way.

Fay has been a meat packer, studied the arts of butchery and cheese making, and operated a major flower supplier in the greater Adelaide region. Now one of her life's passions is fishing and encouraging many, particularly women into the sport with a television show shot with her friends called "Team Justagirl". You can watch the show on "CTV+", "C44 Adelaide" and "C31 Melbourne" and you can find out more information about the show, click on the links below.




Given this is episode 44 of "Life Bursts with Matt and Sarah", we would like to thank our community television broadcast partner in Adelaide, Australia "C44", you can find more information about "C44 Adelaide" at the link below.


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