Overcoming Anxiety and Finding Freedom: Annabelle's Journey to Faith - Life Bursts Episode 53

On this episode of Life Bursts, hosts Matt and Sarah sit down with Annabelle Roennfeldt, a woman whose journey from childhood anxiety to spiritual freedom offers hope and inspiration. Annabelle's story is one of transformation, highlighting how her faith in Jesus Christ ultimately led to healing from lifelong anxiety.

Growing up in McLaren Vale, Australia, Annabelle was raised in a Christian household and attended church regularly. However, it wasn't until later in life that she experienced a profound spiritual awakening that changed everything.

Annabelle candidly shares her struggles with anxiety, which began in childhood and persisted into adulthood. She describes how it affected various aspects of her life, from her passion for violin to her relationships. The turning point came when she attended a discipleship event where she encountered the Holy Spirit in a powerful way.

Throughout the interview, Annabelle emphasizes the difference between knowing about God intellectually and experiencing His presence personally. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the freedom that can come from surrendering to God.

Key Moments:

1. Childhood Faith: "From a very young age, like, I've been his, I've been the Lord's, and, yeah, my heart is for him."

2. Anxiety Manifestations: "Sometimes I would shake. Okay. Or sometimes my voice would shake or I wouldn't be able to keep contact with people. Eye contact."

3. Meeting Her Husband: "We both ended up going to the going away party, but Michael was actually gonna go to, like, some prison tour or something that night, some ghost tour or whatever."

4. Encounter with the Holy Spirit: "It was like this peace. And then they said, okay, well, you've been set free from anxiety that's left you."

5. Message of Hope: "Jesus can set you free. You don't need to hold on to it anymore. You don't need to be anxious about anything."


Q: How did Annabelle overcome her anxiety?
A: Annabelle attributes her freedom from anxiety to a spiritual experience where she repented of worry, was prayed for, and was filled with the Holy Spirit. She describes feeling a physical lifting of heaviness and being filled with peace and joy.

Q: What is "being born again" according to Annabelle?
A: Annabelle explains that being born again involves repenting of sin, turning away from it, and turning towards God. It's a transformative experience that brings a new perspective on life and a personal relationship with Jesus.

Q: How has Annabelle's faith impacted her daily life?
A: Since her spiritual awakening, Annabelle describes having a new boldness in sharing her faith, a deeper understanding of the Bible, and freedom from the anxiety that once controlled her life. She emphasizes that her relationship with Jesus brings fulfillment, joy, and peace.

Annabelle's story is a powerful reminder of the impact faith can have on mental health and overall well-being. Her journey from anxiety to freedom offers hope to those struggling with similar issues and provides insight into the transformative power of spiritual experiences.

Whether you're a person of faith or simply curious about the intersection of spirituality and mental health, this episode of Life Bursts offers a compelling narrative of personal transformation and the power of belief.

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Episode Transcript:


Welcome to Life Bursts. I'm Matt.

And I'm Sarah. And today's interview. From Australia to Japan to Queensland to Australia, to pretty much everywhere. Our guest has so many stories to share. You're not going to want to miss this. Yes. Welcome to Life Bursts. I am Sarah.

And I'm Matt. And in the studio we have Annabelle. How are you, Annabelle?

I'm pretty well, thank you. Excited to be here.

Well, that' we are excited to have you and you've got so many stories to share. I don't know how we're going to get this down to less than an hour, but we're going to give it a go. So, first question, where did life start out for you?

Right, so, yeah, I might just give a little intro about myself, though. I'm Annabelle and I'm married to Michael. I have three beautiful children, Elijah, Malachi and Bethany. They are eight, six and almost four. And, yeah, we love the Lord, we follow Jesus and, yeah, we have a big heart for people and missions. So, yeah, where did life start out? So, initially my family lived in Parkside, Adelaide, for the first, almost four years of my life. And then I grew up on a small farm in Maclaren Vale. So it was a little bit under 13 acres, mostly vineyards and almond trees. But, yeah, had lots of fun there in McLaren vale with the family.

So what is your family Unit? Who makes up that when you were a child?

Yeah, so I have my mum and dad and also three siblings, so I'm one of four. I'm the youngest and, yeah, so we're almost like one year apart. So, yeah, I'm from the Drought family, which a lot of people from McLaren Vale tattoo and my past go, oh, yeah, the Drought family. But, yeah, so, yeah, our ages now go 33, 35, 36, 37. So when I turn 34, it'll be 34, 35, 36, 37. Yeah, they're pretty busy with us four under four, so don't think they ever recovered. Right, right.

So was your favourite thing to eat, almonds and grapes?

Yeah, there's been some times when I ate too many almonds. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it's good fun. Yeah.

So with a bit of property, did that mean you got up to lots of outdoor adventures as siblings?

We didn't have like a motorbike or things like that, but we did a lot of bike riding, like running around. Yeah, we had bonfires regularly, so that was really fun. So, yeah, yeah, had lots of fun. We always had pets. Like, there's always animals of Some kind, like, you know, cats, dogs, sheep, sometimes goat, birds, rats, at one point, I think, mice. We had a possum, a ringtail possum, which was really fun, but, yeah, just random kind of pets. But, yeah, all good fun.

Which one was your favourite?

Out of all of them, I gotta say, the dogs, Rusty and Chelly, just the best dogs ever. They were great. Yeah.

Okay. So what was going to school like and all those types of things for you?

Yeah, so I went to McLaren Vale Primary School, and, yeah, that was pretty good. I gotta say. We had a really good childhood. We were in a very loving environment. And, yeah, grandparents visited regularly and, yeah, it was a. It was a great childhood. Yeah, primary school was good. I got a little bit bullied in when I was in grade six or year six. But, yeah, not. It wasn't too crazy. Yeah, it was good.

All right. What. What were they bullying you about?

You know, I'd say it was probably. I think it was purely spiritual. I think it was because the things inside them knew that, you know, I followed Jesus and it was just. Yeah, I think it was just a spiritual attack on me, really.


Yeah. So just verbal.

So faith was something that was a part of your life from an early, early age.

Yeah. So we always went to church on a Sunday, just the local Anglican church. So, yeah, very traditional. And, yeah, hymns and pews, occasionally incense. But, yeah, that was what I grew up with. And lots of elderly people. Lots of shared lunches with cucumber and, you know, what are they, cheese and cucumber sandwiches or something? You know, that kind of thing. And wig cordial and that kind of thing. Yeah, it was good.

You're probably, like, making a whole bunch of people right now just reminisce about their old days.


Sunday school and.

Yep, Sunday school. Yeah.

So was that despite some of those things sounding like they wouldn't be entertaining for a child, there was something about what they believed in that was. That resonated with you even back then.

Yeah. So I think the biggest thing that impacted me, apart from my mom's faith. Yeah. Was there was this family called the Foley family. And Ken, the main guy, he's passed away now, but, yeah, he ran, like, a Friday night youth group for all of us children. And that was just so exciting to go to. It was like, yes, it's Friday night. We get to have, like, finger buns. We get to, like, you know, sing, sing Jesus music and, like, you know, meet together on a Friday. And it was just. Yeah, really fun. And I just remember something that Ken taught us to do was to ask Jesus into our heart. And that kind of phrase is not exactly in the Bible, but it impacted me as a young child. So I think somewhere between the age of five and seven, I did that. And it was just by myself at home. I think it was even in the bathroom, like, and I just, yeah, asked Jesus into my heart. And so, yeah, I know from a very young age, even though, you know, growing up in church since I was a baby, but, like, from a very young age, like, I've been his, I've been the Lord's, and, yeah, my heart is for him.

So, yeah, you're talking a lot about this Jesus guy right now.


What, like, how do you. At such a young age, how did you know he existed or was real to the extent that you wanted to let him come into your life? Like, that's pretty crazy.

I think I'm gonna say that there's always a point in people's lives where they have to choose, instead of, like, following their parents, faith or people older than them, that they have to choose to make it their own. They say, am I gonna follow Jesus or am I not? Or whatever faith, you know, they might have. But there's a point where you have to take it on board for yourself. And so I wouldn't say at that, at such a young age that I did. Like, at that point, I asked Jesus into my heart, but not a lot changed, really, because I just was continuing to go to church every Sunday, you know, be a pretty good girl. But there was a time in primary school where I said to my mum, I said, mum, I think I should take my Bible to school in a little suitcase. And I think I want to read it with my friend. And. Because at the time, my friend wasn't following Jesus. And like, I think, yeah, from a young age, like, I was showing signs of having an evangelistic heart and wanting to share my faith with other people. So I'm not sure if that answered your question.

Kind of. Yeah. So nothing really changed in your life when you said those words.

Not at that time. At that time.

Because we've had people come in on the show that have said that they've said those words and then, like, crazy stuff happens in their life.


And then other times you'd say nothing happens. So it's just interesting.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I have been born again since April 2019.

Okay, well, that comes later.

So that is later in my story. Yeah. So that was at the age of 28 years old. Okay. Yeah.

So at primary School. What were you really passionate about? Like, what subjects and what weren't you so passionate about?

So probably skipped to high school. So I went to Tatachilla Lutheran College. It was actually across the road from my house. Oh. So when I went to school, I could see home and when I went home, I could see school. Did you like that? It was really handy because we could walk and it was good exercise. Like, you know, at the time, it's like, you know, you're lugging this heavy school bag. I always took too much stuff home in my backpack. But, yeah, we lived on a hill, so you'd be like, walking up the hill and, like, the heat and the, you know, got the backpack. But yeah, it was probably about a kilometre away, I think. Um, and so, yeah, it wasn't that close, but it was very handy. But sometimes, believe it or not, we got my mom to drive us because it was raining or we didn't feel like walking or we're going to be super late. So I was like, mom, can you please drive us today down the road?

Well, that's a good place to stop. We'll come back and hear more of Annabelle's story straight after this here on Life Bursts with Matt and Sarah.

This is Life Bursts with Sarah and Matt, and we are talking to Annabelle, who lived very close to your high school. Conveniently close. But how did you find the experience of school itself? Were you you really studious or. Not so much?

I was studious until, I think, until about year 12, actually, which sounds a bit strange because sometimes people like the opposite. But I was a really. Yeah, I was a really good student. I did get a lot of A's, A pluses, that kind of thing. B's was probably more like science and maths, but I'm like the creative language arts kind of person. So. Yeah, but, yeah, it was good. It was a good time. In high school, one of the main things I did was music, so I was a bit of like a music nerd. So I played the violin a lot. I was in, like, all the ensembles. I even started playing percussion so that I could be with my friends in the band because I was like, I want to be in the band. I'm not missing out on this. So, yeah, I really enjoyed percussion and, yeah, so did a lot of music things. But, yeah, that's where my violin kind of journey started out. Well, it was in. I did play from the age of seven, but high school is when it kind of ramped up because it was part of my big subjects. Okay.

Did you have some ambitions there through high school? This is what I think I'm going to be.

Yeah. So I thought that I wanted to be a professional musician. I did switch violin teachers partway through high school to a professional teacher and violinist from the ASO, the Australian Symphony. Sorry, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. And she was, yeah, a really amazing teacher. And it's like very serious lessons, serious practise. And so I thought, this is amazing. Amazing. I'm going to be in the ASO one day. I'm going to play with all the big bands who do, like, orchestra and band, like, you know, collaborations, which are always really cool to listen to. And I thought, this is going to be great. I'm going to be a professional violinist in ASO. That was what I thought. Yeah.


Okay. So then, what did that look like after finishing school? Did you obviously graduated quite high up in the music?

Yeah. So I did think, okay, well, like, I was talking through it with my mum and I thought, okay, I'll go to Uni, I'll go to the conservatorium, the con in Adelaide, because I love violin. It's really great. And also Japanese is something else that I loved. So I did that in year 12. I didn't get, like, the highest score in Japanese, but I did. I really enjoyed it. And so I was like, right, I'll do Japanese and I'll do music. So I started with a double degree, a Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Arts. Some people call the arts the Bachelor of Unemployment. But anyway. But, yeah, started with, yeah, music and art, so that's where it was next.

And before we started recording, you said the last time that you're in a studio was to do with music.


What is that all about?

So my old percussion teacher is an amazing, like, professional percussionist, and she was part of, like, a casual band who did gigs in Adelaide and they recorded an album. And so they said, can you play the violin for our album? And I was like, okay, sure. So, yeah, that was fun. So, yeah, just did a little bit of violin. But one of the songs was like, oh, my God, I'm so rusty with music theory. But anyway, it has six flats in it and for a violinist, that's not fun. That's not fun at all. But. But yeah, it was. It was okay. Just did about six takes so I could get in tune.

Yeah, right. No pressure. Anybody who plays the violin knows exactly what you're talking about right now.

Yeah, I do.

Not being honest, it must have been tricky. Okay, so you do you still play the violin. When did it leave?

Yeah. So this all ties into my story about anxiety. So I still have my violin. I love music. Like, I will always love music because I believe it's part of, like, the heart of God. Like, he created music, he loves music. And. Yeah, I can't live without music. Like, it's such a beautiful gift from God. But, yeah, I don't play the violin often anymore. Yep. Something we haven't mentioned is that we live in a caravan and it's, like, under our bed in, like, the storage compartment. But, yeah, I do need to get it out more often because I've been convicted about, like, burying my talents. I don't want to bury my talents. But there's also seasons as well. Yeah, so I did want to mention. Yeah, so I really enjoyed. I enjoyed the violin and I love music. I love singing choirs, you know, that kind of thing. But in, like, at the con in Adelaide, it was so much pressure. Like, there's pressure to be the very best. You know, you want to get. You want to get to the top, you want to be the best violinist. You can be your best musician, you can be whatever you study there. And so classical violin, there's like a lot of pressure. And I. I would say that I became like the bottom of the top. So some people had, like, the violin was part, like an extension of their body. Like, it was just like they had music flowing through their veins and they could practise for, you know, six, seven, eight hours a day. And I could do like three or four every day, but it was like. Oh. So, like, it was hard work. So I worked, yeah, really hard with the violin and I ended up getting a conceded pass for orchestra, which is not good, if you've heard of a conceded pass. But it's basically like a pass. But if you continue, you failed, like that subject, you have to go do it again. But if you stop, you've passed that subject. It's all good. It was a 49 out of 100. And so, yeah, so orchestra is really difficult. But, yeah, so anyway, I did the performance on the violin for two years, but the first year was all music. And then the second year was half Japanese and Asian studies and half music. And they didn't really, like, organise, like, collaborate too well with each other. So sometimes it was a bit of a clash. But anyway, at the end of the second year of Uni, I was like, I can't do the violin anymore, like at Uni. And I really, like, at that time, I didn't really Know the Holy Spirit very well. And so I wasn't necessarily, like, listening to his voice, but I knew that, like, it wasn't for me anymore. It was too much pressure. It was really like, taking the enjoyment out of music for me. And I love music. And so, yeah, and also all the performances and everything because I did ameb exams growing up, like, I was always having to perform and having to do my best. And if anyone else has played the violin or tried the violin, they know it's a very difficult instrument. And so, yeah, when you, like, mess up, it's very obvious. And I do have, like, a very, very good pitch. But it was. Yeah, it was just like the pressure to perform all the time brought on a lot of anxiety for me.

Okay, and how did that. Did it progressively get worse or more difficult for you, or is it something you identify now, looking back as it was right through?

Yeah, so there were times, definitely as a child where I would just be, like, crying at night. Like, my mum would be putting me to bed and. And she would just, like, comfort me and talk to me, but I was just so, like, anxious about things and I. Yeah, yeah. So there was a particular time where, yeah, the Holy Spirit convicted me of, like, sin in my life where I was. I was jealous of another girl because she was really beautiful and all the boys liked her and everything. And I must have been about. Oh, I wasn't very old. I must have been about maybe between 8 and 10 years old. But I was really upset that I was like. I was shaking and I was really upset because I was convicted of jealousy. But I think what the real term or the more correct term is probably envy. And I was so convicted by that. But anyway, I was also very anxious and, yeah, crying and. Yeah, So I did. I think it started at a very early age, but, yeah, I did progress. Kind of like, I was just living with it, the anxiety, that is. So another thing was that I was really interested in boys growing up. And so, yeah, from about the age of 12, I guess I was interested in dating boys and having a boyfriend. And so as I got into my teens, when I went. Even in my. Yeah, as I got into my teens, not my 20s, when I was asked on a date with a boy, I would get, like, really, really anxious that I would actually. I wouldn't be able eat. I would go to the bathroom and vomit. And it wasn't like bulimia. I wasn't eating, but it was like, I needed. I couldn't eat. Like, there's no way.


And so it came a little bit like crippling.

Very much so. Wow. Okay, well, have a pause there and come back with more life births and more of Annabelle's story straight after this.

Welcome back to Life Verse with Sarah and Matt and we're talking to Annabelle. And Annabelle, you've opened up and been honest about something that a number of people wrestle with growing up and that's anxiety. So it became. It was there at an early age. It came out in. In music and it came out in dating.

Yeah. But also, like, sometimes if anyone struggles with anxiety or they have in the past, there's sometimes like a wall as well. Like, you can't bring yourself to do something. Like, you just can't. You're just like, I want to do that thing, but I just can't. And so I don't really know how to explain that in a better way. But I do remember at Michael and my engagement party back in 2012. Yeah. November 2012. Like, you know, there was a lot to get organised or to prepare for an engagement party, but I just, like, I couldn't help, Like, I couldn't do what I needed to do. It was like, I'm just gonna get ready, I'm gonna get dressed, I'm gonna do my hair and that's all I can do. Like, you just. Yeah, there's a wall there.

Like, you just couldn't do any. Like, it was too much to do anything else.

Oh, you just, like, if. Yeah, I think it feels like too much. And so you just. You just can't do much.

What does anxiety feel like? From your experience, you've said about the vomiting and the stomach and the wall, but is there more?

Yeah. So sometimes I would shake.


Or sometimes my voice would shake or I wouldn't be able to keep contact with people. Eye contact. Sorry. And yeah, I just like. And my brain would kind of. Like there'd be a bit of a blockage there where I couldn't like, commUnicate well with people. So, yeah, it was. Yeah, really challenging. I did have a panic attack one time as well. Like, I. At one point in my life, I worked for an electrician's business and I was doing admin and it was actually, it was. It wasn't a stressful day. I wasn't doing stressful work. I was like the only one in the office of like, maximum three people sometimes. But it was just me and my colleague in the office and I was quietly working away, probably typing a procedure or something at the computer desk. And then I just, like, I Started to get, like, numb arms and I was like. Or in one side of my arm, actually, one arm. And I was like, why is my arm numb? And like, I'd heard that the beginning signs of a heart attack was like, one side of your body can, like, go numb or something. And I just, like, freaked out and I was like, oh, my goodness, like, why? What's happening? Like, am I having a heart attack? You know, and my colleagues, like, what's going on? On, like. And she lay me down on the floor and I, you know, put my legs up on a chair and she's rung the ambulance and so, yeah, the ambulance came and they checked me out and. And they're like, you're fine. But, you know, it's all good, Annabelle. Like, so there was like, nothing that they could see wrong. They didn't take me to hospital, anything. But it was like just this, like. Like this fear just, like, came over me, like. Yeah, fear and anxiety.

So did you feel dizzy? Did you feel the world coming to the air?

Yeah, I felt like a bit like my arm was tingly and numb and I felt dizzy and so I just had to lie down and just like. Yeah, just like sit it out kind of thing.

So at what point did you kind of realise, or others point out that this is. This is not just that you're a shy person, it's not just butterflies, that what you were going through was anxiety?

I didn't really know much about anxiety, I guess, but I think that, yeah, someone in the family shared that they thought that I'd had a panic attack and I was like, what? Like, I've only seen, like, panic attacks on the movies where they have, like, the paper bag, like. And I was like, what? What? Like, I was. I was really surprised and I was like, oh, like, maybe I did have a panic attack or something they label a panic attack. But, yeah, so I think, like, yeah, like, my. My mum did call me Anxious Annie as a child because she knew that I was anxious. But, yeah, I guess, like, I didn't really realise that it was anxiety until. Yeah, later on in life. Yeah, my 20s probably.

That doesn't really help, does it? Calling you something like that, it kind of makes it stick and have ground in your life to be anxious because of the words that she'd spoken.

Yeah, but, yeah, so the cool thing is that Jesus sent me free from anxiety, like, completely. And so, yeah, so basically I mentioned that I've been born again since. Born again since April 2019. And some people think, okay, what is born again?

Yeah, I was about to ask what born again, but you're also saying like the Holy Spirit and this. What is that?

Yeah, so answer that one first and.

Then the born again thing, because you're mentioning the Holy Spirit quite a bit.

Yeah. So the Holy Spirit is probably part of the story.


But I was gonna say I heard the term born again. Like, you know, growing up in the church and everything, I thought, what does that even mean? But I never looked into it like it was just a term. And I was like, you know, born again, okay, whatever. Like, why do people write that like I'm born again? And I didn't know what it meant, so I didn't really care to know what it meant either, until. So just to give a couple of like timeline things. Michael and I met in when I was 19 and he was 21. And when we met, we just got along right from the start.

Here's the question, like waiting for me to ask the question.

Oh, you.

Okay, here's the question. How did you two meet one another? Leave no details. Well, leave the details out that we don't need to hear about on radio and television.

Yep. So basically I was going to Uni at the time and I had a friend, kind like not a close friend at the time, but a friend through the Lutheran Christian group at Uni. Some people know LSF. I was like half, you know, half heartedly attending, attending that, but also like full on into ES evangelical students, which was like the basically like Anglican roots run group of like an evangelism group at Adelaide Uni. But yeah, anyway, Josh, a friend from Uni from the LSF group was having a going away party in Hahndorf and I was like, wow, that's really far away. But anyway, I was interested in going and Michael went to high school with Josh. And so Michael, the cool thing was that God really like, it was the perfect timing that we met. God really brought us both there to that going away party that it was in Hahndorf. It was in Café Assiette. I don't know if it's Assiette or Assietté. But anyway, it's called a different name now, the Hahndorf Café or something like that. But they've still got the as Yeti sign somewhere. But yeah, we. He had his like going away party that evening in the café. Like they hired it out and had a party in there. And I had actually gone on a kind of date with another guy during the day that day. Because I was really looking for a boyfriend. I really wanted a boyfriend. And So I caught up with this guy during the day in Glenelg and it didn't go well at all. So we had lots to say when we were messaging and emailing each other. And then we met in person. It was like crickets. Like, so what do we talk about? It was so awkward. And I also got a parking fine because I parked in the Glenelg Coles. It was only $20, but I was like, really?

It was a bad day.

Yeah. And he left really, like, abruptly as well. We were like, sitting next to the tram and he's like, so I gotta go to a dentist appointment now, so see ya. I just jumped on the tram and went. And I was like, okay. That was the end of that. Never again.

That sounds like the end of it. We're gonna hear the rest of the story of how you two met each other, because it sounds like you've gone on so many adventures since.


Here on Life Bursts. We're chatting with Annabelle. We'll be back straight after this.

This is Life Bursts with Sarah and Matt. We're chatting to Annabelle and we've. You've left us hanging at the point. You've gone to Hahndorf. You're about to meet the man of your dreams.

Yeah. So we both ended up going to the going away party, but Michael was actually gonna go to, like, some prison tour or something that night, some ghost tour or whatever. Like, he'd been invited and he was like, eh, I should probably go to Josh's going away party. Plus, he wasn't into ghost tours. So anyway, we both ended up going, like, me for last minute. Feeling a bit rotten from the days, you know, happenings. I'm like, to my sister, can you take me tonight? It's very far away, but love to get a lift with you. She's like, oh, I guess so.

So there are a lot of blockages. So you really getting there?

Yep. So anyway, we got there, yeah, and I was having such a bad attitude. I was like, I don't want to be here. It's the most boring party ever. And then I did spot Michael. I thought, oh, he looks like a nice, nice guy. I wouldn't mind talking to him. But it's hard to get his eye contact, so I thought he was a bit of a snob. But anyway, I eventually got his eye contact when we were talking in a group. And, yeah, we got talking together, just the two of us, and we chatted for about an hour and a half and the rest is history. So, yeah, I did use my My pickup line, I'm a drought because my last name is Drought. So I'm a natural. Sorry, I'm a natural disaster. Pleased to meet you. So, yeah, well, it worked. Yeah, because of that line.

How long have you been married for now?

Over 10 years. There we go in July.

There we go.

Well, in July it would be 15 years since we met that night. So that'd be fun. Great.

So you were telling us a little bit about this experience that you called been born again. And so meeting Michael was perhaps a step in that journey.

Yeah. So, yeah, he was Christian and I was a Christian and we really encouraged each other in our faith. So we were dating for like three and a half years before we got married. Part of that three and a half years. I spent a year in Japan studying as an international student. So it was actually one year after we started dating. I was like, see ya, I'm going to Japan for a year. Long distance relationship. And that was back in the Skype days. So we did a lot of Skyping, I did a lot of study and a lot of Skype with Michael and that was. Yep, that was that year. But yeah, it was an awesome year. But yeah, so I did struggle with anxiety in Japan as well because I wasn't yet born again then, like, Jesus hadn't yet set me free from that. And so I specifically remember on New year's day of 2011, I couldn't leave my room. And New Year's Day is the biggest celebration in Japan in the whole year. Like, everyone goes to the temple and they do their prayers and they do their, you know, ritual stuff and then everyone has like their special, you know, good luck kind of New Year's Day food and all that. And my friends rang me, my Japanese friends rang me and said, hey, Annabelle, come to our party that we're having. And I just said, I'm so sorry, I feel really sick. I. I can't come. And I did. I felt like I was going to vomit. And looking back, I think it was because of all the spiritual darkness that was happening. Yeah. Behind the scenes in Japan that day. So. But yeah, so Michael visited me in Japan and yeah, he loved it. That was really cool. So did a bit of travelling for a month, but basically to do with our faith, we were just growing, like we were becoming more and more hungry for the Lord. Like as a young married couple as well, like we. We were in a young married couple's small group together and the leaders were full of the Holy Spirit and they prayed for us.

He was the Holy Spirit saying, yeah.

So, yeah, I'll get to it. But basically, yeah, we. I guess our first encounter with the Holy Spirit, who is the spirit of the living God, the one true God, was when we watched a documentary called Father of Lights is a wanderlust documentary with Darren Wilson, who created it. And we watched the documentary that I think someone from the church we were going to at the time, told my brother about it. And my brother told us about it. He said, you have to watch this documentary, it's amazing. And so we watched it and we were like, whoa. And so basically they film people being healed, being set free, like from demons and. Yeah, telling people about Jesus on the street. And we were like, this is amazing. But if you watch the documentary, you get to the end and you're like, how do I do that? Like, that's really scary. How do I even. Where do you even start? So it wasn't a very practical documentary, but really impacting. And we showed a lot of people that documentary after we saw it too. But, yeah, so that was when I was 24. And so still, there was four years before I really was filled with the Holy Spirit. And so, yeah, in between that and, yeah, being filled with the Holy Spirit and set free from anxiety, basically, in a nutshell. Oh, what do I start? We. We went to Japan, like, every two years. We also became parents. That was massive. And so, yeah, so becoming parents and just becoming more hungry for the things of God. So maybe you have to interview Michael sometime, but he would share with you that he read the whole Bible for himself and he was really impacted by Jesus and the life of Jesus, about baptism, about the Holy Spirit. And so his journey really impacted me as well. So, yeah, so then.

So you don't have anxiety now. I just want to get this place. So there were no doctors, there was no medication, there was no. None of. So you're saying that the Holy Spirit healed you of anxiety?


How did that happen?

Because, yes, this is a good story. So we went to this discipleship event where they were teaching people how to do the things Jesus did. And we were like, we're in. We're going to this event. It's gonna be awesome. But Michael had already. He was already baptised in the Holy Spirit. And I was like, what do you mean, baptising the Holy Spirit? What is that even? But, you know, John the Baptist said that the one who's coming is greater than I. Like, he will baptise you in the Holy Spirit and fire, and the fire is judgement. So, you know, you don't want baptism of fire, but. Yeah, but the Holy Spirit, that's where the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs in the Holy Bible. And I was like, ah, okay. Like, never really read that before. Even though I'd read the Bible my whole life, I just didn't know who the Holy Spirit was. And it was like there was a veil over my eyes as I read the Word of God. I even took Bible studies and stuff, but it was like, I just. It was like me trying to be really good and trying to understand it in my own strength and not, like, having the author living inside of me. And so. Yeah, before. Yeah, so I'll. I'll go back to that event. So the discipleship event, they did a bit of an intro, said, you know, welcome, and, you know, explained a few things. And then they said, we're going to pray with people now. Anyone who struggled with anxiety or depression or, you know, anything like that, we want to pray for you.

Well, that's you.

Yeah. And I had already started shaking.

Okay. Like, anxious shaking.

Yeah, like. Like, wow. We can use the word manifesting. I was already manifesting. I was shaking.

You wanted to leave, right? You just wanted to get out?

Yeah, no, no, no. I. I really wanted freedom. But I think the. The demon that was inside of me, the anxiety demon, wanted to, like. Like, it knew that Jesus was coming to. Like, the spirit of God was coming to, you know, flush it out. But yeah, so they. Some ladies came around and, yeah, talked about a few things with me, and I actually repented. First, I said, which is turning away 180 degrees from sin and turning towards Jesus. And so I was like, I repent like God, I'm sorry. I repent for worrying. Like in. In Philippians, chapter four says, do not be anxious about anything, but with prayer and petition and Thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God, you know, which surpasses all understanding, will fill your hearts and minds. And so I'd read that and I'm like, but how do you not be anxious?

Like, that doesn't really.

I'm always anxious kind of thing doesn't make sense. But, yeah, so I repented because it was actually a sin, because I'd heard that it was a sin to worry. And I was like, oh, okay, well, that's not good. So I said, like, I'm sorry, Lord, for worrying. I repent from that. Set me free. And they just pray with me. And first of all, I'm sitting there and I'm like, open my eyes and Michael's there. I'm like, I don't feel anything. And then I, like, shut them again. And I just. Oh, man. It was like I just started crying, like, you know, weeping and I'm shaking and I sitting on a chair like this and. Oh, it was okay, stop. Yes, sorry.

We'll come back and we'll find out. Yeah, this is a really good spot to stop to see if your anxiety leaves. Life Bus with Matt and Sarah. We're chatting to Annabelle. Hang around. Welcome back to Life Bus with Matt and Sarah. The things that Annabelle is chatting about today and sharing in her story, if it has brought up something for you, you know, you can get in contact with Lifeline at any time. 13, 11, 14. The number is on the screen, but we are going to delve straight back in anxiety. You're dealing with it, but you're currently in this environment. You have said to Jesus, like, you're sorry. And you're sitting there, you've just opened your eyes and you said to your husband, I can't feel anything. Expecting that you're going to feel something. And then you close your eyes again.


And you start crying, like, weeping.

You said, yeah, what happened?

And this is. So your whole aim of going to this thing was to be set free of anxiety for Jesus to heal you of that. Is that what your intention of going to this event was?

I think I wanted to learn more about how to live my life as a disciple of Jesus. And disciple just means apprentice. I want to learn how to live my life and do the Jesus way. I want to grow to be more like Jesus and do things he did, which is totally possible. But, yeah, at that event, as I was saying, I was crying and shaking and, yeah, the, like, I seemed to, like, calm down. They said, how you going, Annabelle? I said, I'm going okay, but my arms feel really heavy. And they said, okay, Any heaviness, any pain, any discomfort, like, that's from the enemy, that's from the devil, that is not from God. And, you know, there's still something I needed to be set free from.


And so they started praying again. And once again I'm crying and shaking again. And then it was like. Like something just lifted, like, just lifted, just left. And it was like this peace. And then they said, okay, well, you've been set free from anxiety that's left you. And I wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit as well. So that was a big thing. And I said, like, you know, come and fill me up, Holy Spirit, you know, and that's basically it. And they prayed with me and they're, you know, asking the Holy Spirit to come and fill me up. And, yeah, I was like. Like, everything kind of went, like, white. And it was, like, so much, like, joy and peace, like, filled my body. And then I, like, opened my eyes. I was like, oh, I feel amazing. Like, so much joy. And I just want to praise God all night. Like, this is awesome. And I also. I also started speaking in tongues as well, which, you know, growing up in a very traditional church was, like, no one spoke in tongues there that I knew of. And I didn't even know what it was for. I thought it was pretty weird, not relevant, all of this. And so anyway, I started speaking in tongues and it was like, whoa. Like, I never thought I would be speaking in tongues ever. Like, that is not. I never thought that would happen.

So many questions right now, but I wouldn't. So how do you know that the anxiety went. Like, how did you know that it wasn't. Did you have any more panic attacks? Like, did it. Like, how do you know that it left?

Yeah, so just, like, the feeling of lightness and relief. And also, like, from that day on, like, they said, wait till you read the Bible now because you have the author living inside of you. And I was like, whoa. And so it was true. I was reading the Bible and I was like, oh, my goodness, that's amazing. Hey, Michael, did you know this? And he's like, mm, yeah, that's great. It's pretty basic.

So did we fill that wall up anymore? Did you feel the shakes? Did your arms go numb?

No. And I even had, like, this holy boldness, this, like, different boldness about me. Like, before we would evangelise, we would tell people about Jesus on the street. We'd even lay hands with people in faith and command healing in Jesus name because there's power in the name of Jesus. And we see them healed, but it was all to do with faith. We went. We weren't filled with the Holy Spirit at that time, but it was all, you know, it was the faith and.

Then that Jesus would work through you to do that, to heal that person.

Yes. But then when we were filled with the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of God, we had this boldness and we could lay hands and, like, not always see people healed on the spot, but, you know, sometimes the CP were healed the spot. And it's just amazing. Like, yeah, we're living. Living the Jesus way now. And, like, there's no going back. I just love Jesus.


If you.

So what you're Saying is that this born again phrase that doesn't just mean weirdos, but for you, it was a genuine experience that changed your outlook, that you experienced some significant healing and freedom in that. And it has changed, like, really is like a new way of looking at the world.

Yeah. So I would say to be born again is to repent of your sin. That means just turn away from it, like, confess it to God and say, I don't want it. I don't want to live like that anymore. I don't want that in my life. I want to be set free. Jesus set me free. So that's repenting, turning 180 degrees away from it and turning towards God.

So if there's someone living with anxiety right now that's watching this and like, I am so sick and tired of shaking or being stuck in my house or having so much fear, that riddles me. I suppose this kind of ties into the piece of advice question because we are getting to the end of the show. Talk us through what you said do or what.


What you would say to those people right now.

Well, I would say that Jesus can set you free. You don't need to hold on to it anymore. You don't need to be anxious about anything. You don't need, need to be fearful. You can be set free by the power of Jesus. He wants to set you free. He loves you so much. Yeah, you are precious. You are loved. And we were created to be free. We were actually created to have a relationship with Jesus. And so, yeah, a lot of Australians think Christianity or faith or Jesus, it's all about religion. And they get really put off. But it's not about religion at all. It's about a relationship, a living relationship with the living God. And it's a beautiful thing to know God. You want to know Jesus, you want to know God, and Jesus is God. And it's just like, yeah, Jesus wants freedom and peace and fulfilment and joy for every person. And it's available to everybody. So seek deliverance from a Christian minister. Like ask them to pray with you or someone that you know of. Say, I want. I want to be set free. I don't want this anymore. I want to be delivered from anxiety. I want to be delivered from depression. I want to be delivered from addiction. Whatever it is, it's not too big for Jesus. Jesus can heal you physically and spiritually, emotionally. He can also deliver and set you free from anything, any oppression or demonic thing that is like, yeah, holding you in bondage like he wants to. He wants to take it all away and. Yeah. Make you into a new creation. He wants you to live a life of freedom, to be able to serve him, but also to be friends with Jesus and to walk alongside him and with his spirit in you, the Holy Spirit. And yeah, that's. That is the only place in this. In this world you'll find complete fulfilment, joy, peace, hope, like everything, it's only found in Jesus Christ. He's the Saviour. He's amazing, he's awesome and he's worth everything. He's worth everything. Yeah.

It's fascinating that you've experienced, you grew up with that. You would have known it in your head, but. But it became real for you. Yeah, it took a while for that. On fire.

No, this is why. This is why we do this show, Matt, is to share people's lives, five stories with everyone else. And everybody that comes on the show always has a different story, you know, because everybody is Unique. And so thank you, Annabelle, for sharing your or part of your story with us today. Just a burst of your. Your life with us and sharing of your experiences because we can't argue with that because that's your life.

So, yeah, thank you so much for having me on the show and, yeah, it's been a blessing to be here and to share.

Yes. Well, this has been Life Bursts. I'm Sarah.

And I'm Matt. And we love to hear stories like Annabelle's and like yours, perhaps, and we share them week by week here on Life Bursts.

You can catch up with Life Bursts wherever you get your podcasts from, on commUnity television, radio and of course, YouTube, Facebook and all of those places. This has been Life Bursts. I am Sarah.

I'm Matt. See you next week.

Life Bursts is hosted by Matthew Carratt and Sarah Freeman with production by Rhys Jarrett and Keykhosrow Azadegan. For more episodes of Life Bursts, go to https://rawcut.au, this is a RawCut Production.

Life Bursts with Matt & Sarah

Life Bursts with Matt & Sarah

Bringing You a Burst of Life 😃

Each week, Matthew Carratt along with co-host Sarah Freeman will be discovering the fascinating story of someone interesting and giving them the space to tell it in full. Life Bursts will tell the stories of the people you do know, don't know, and the people you should know. Because we live on a planet of 8 billion people, that means there are over 8 billion stories to tell, and 8 billion opportunities to learn from the stories we hear.

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